Salomon Martinez
HEP Social Media Assistant
Hometown: Prescott, Washington
Degree: Digital Technology & Culture Minor in Communications
Why did you decide to work for HEP?
I chose to work for HEP to not only assist them with their social media pages but also work behind the scenes, documenting their excellent work. HEP is a program that reminds me of back home. Why? It resembles the agricultural spirit of always wanting to work towards a better life, even if it means going on a new journey. I take pride in the organizations I work with, and HEP is one of them, giving the opportunity to not only earn a GED but also gain the skills necessary to succeed in the career their students choose to work in. Overall, I choose to work for HEP because we need more programs similar to those that dedicate themselves to empowering and educating students so that they too can earn their GED, and it is possible. Si Se Puede!!!